The NHTSA standards visualize a police DUI stop as a
three-phase process that begins with observing the vehicle in motion, then
progresses through making personal contact with the driver and finally to
pre-arrest screening. This post will address the first of these three phases,
“vehicle in motion.”
This first phase is intended to answer the question, “Should I
stop the vehicle?” Depending on the circumstances, the officer will answer the
question in one of three ways:
Stop the vehicle right away
Wait and look for additional evidence
Do not stop the vehicle
Driving a car involves a process known as “divided attention.”
A sober driver must be able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, or
near-simultaneously, such as steering, signaling, controlling the accelerator
and brakes, and observing other cars and traffic signals.
Impaired drivers have trouble dividing their attention; they
tend to concentrate on only a few critical tasks at any given time, letting the
other tasks slip. These drivers frequently demonstrate symptoms that police are
trained to look for, such as slowed reactions, poor coordination, impaired
vision or impaired judgment.
There are, in fact, more than 100 driving cues that may
indicate DUI behaviors, which fall into broader categories:
Problems maintaining proper lane position
Speed and braking problems
Vigilance problems
Judgment problems
Thus, police officers in phase one will be observing the
vehicle to see if the driver exhibits behaviors like committing a moving
traffic violation, swerving or weaving in a lane or across lanes, turning with
an unusually wide radius, or driving at an unusually slow speed or with varying
The NHTSA standards even suggest the possible level of alcohol
intoxication that these behaviors may indicate:
Slowed reactions: blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of
Impaired judgment: BAC of 0.05
Impaired vision: BAC of 0.08
Poor coordination: BAC of 0.10
Other things that police will look for include expired
registration tags or movement in the car indicating that the driver is drinking
something or otherwise taking drugs.
The officer’s decision whether to move to the second phase --
stopping the vehicle and interacting with the driver -- can depend on the
severity of the impairment symptoms that he or she sees. Dangerous behaviors,
such as nearly striking other vehicles or objects or driving with one’s
headlights off at night will likely result in an immediate stop; less severe
behaviors, like driving slowly or drifting within a lane may lead the officer to
wait and see if the driver displays other symptoms.
In a following post, we will consider phase two of the
three-phase process: the vehicle stop and the officer’s communication with the
Every one of our Oklahoma DUI Lawyers as well
as most of our support staff at the Hunsucker Legal Group are trained and
certified in NHTSA DWI Detection and Field Sobriety Testing. It is our goal that we will be better trained
and have more knowledge that the prosecutor and the police officer when we step
into a courtroom to protect our clients. For a frre consultation, please call
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